Friday, August 13, 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF!Not gonna waste my 2010 bday wishes wishing everyone to be happy, u guys can settle that urself uh, haaa. My 1st wish Junming`ge will be ORD soon! It will be a new stage for us, and I really hope our road ahead, is a smooth one. My 2nd wish Less quarrels/arguements among friends. 1st half of e yr seems bad. Aiyo. Hope it takes a turn. :)) My 3rs wish -secret- 22, and still feeling good! :) But, still must get more forever 21 clothes to keep young, haa! Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Have been feeling quite down recently.Nth good is happening and luck is bad. I was very worried for my grandma when she was admited to hospital on Monday. Nth too serious, jus an open wound tats getting real bad and doctor advised her to stay in. She might also be transfered to a specialised place at BEDOK a wk after, which means, not only am I not able to see her daily, I need to travel very far to visit her. Sch is already very busy, I really wonder how am I suppose to visit her here and then. I'm still hoping that she'll come home but seems quite unlikely. :( Today broke down in front of Junming`ge, guess I'm too stressed up. But I'm fine now after I visited my grandma and sees that she's still quite lively and seems rather comfortable. Thanks to all my buddies who asked, dont worry, I'm better. I feel so much relieved. But still, house seems very empty without her. :( I just hope the best for her, I miss her very much already. She's the best. |
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